Walk for World Peace
St Ives Country Park, Harden
Sunday 9 March, 2pm
Enjoy a walk with like minded people, with a guided meditation on-route.
Burnley Kadampa Buddhist Centre
Website for Burnley KBC
Burnley Kadampa Buddhist Centre
Brunside Mill
Parker St
Burnley, Lancashire
BB11 1AR
United Kingdom (UK)
Tel: 01282 786061
Email: info@meditationinburnley.org
Registered Charity 1087209
Company Number 04194110
Buddha Land Kadampa Meditation Centre
1 Lawkholme Crescent
West Yorkshire
BD21 3NR
United Kingdom (UK)
Tel: 01535 958189
Email: info@EnjoyMeditation.org
Registered Charity 1087209
Company Number 04194110