Learn more about Buddhism
If you would like to learn more about Buddhist meditation and its benefits please visit the following web sites. To find centres anywhere in the world please visit Kadampa.org linked below.
Kadampa Websites
The NKT website
Kadampa.org provides a wealth of details on Kadampa Buddhism. You will find out about the latest courses and events as well as learning about the origins Buddhism. There are also audio and video clips from Geshe Kelsang’s teachings and festivals.
Tharpa Publications
Tharpa Publications is an online store specialising in authentic Kadampa Buddhist texts and artwork. Whether you are a beginner looking for an introduction to Buddhism, or a more experienced practicioner looking for in-depth teachings, there is something here for you.
NKT Festivals
The New Kadampa Tradition – International Buddhist Union organise Buddhist Festivals on a national and international level through out the world. There is information on these on-line at Kadampafestivals.org along with provision for bookings.
NKT Temples Project
Kadampa Temples have been built in Ulverston (UK) and New York (USA). These sacred spaces act as a focus for Buddhist practice in these countries. Further temples are being built in Brazil, Australia and the UK with many more due to be built. For more information on the Temples Project visit the Kadampa.org site.